Florencio Huarhua Jeri
Florencio Huarhua Jeri, was born and raised in the small village of Quinua Ayacucho. He learned the art of pottery from his parents and helped them make pottery for the local market in Ayacucho City. Florencio transforms the clay into art where reflects the love of his people and their culture. He shows, with his work, a great respect for his traditions, the people, and their history.
Florencio uses clays known as “illinco”, used in two different colors, red and beige. Florencio utilizes potter´s wheels, polishing stones, feathers for painting, and teamwork. He now creates nativities, churches, candle holders, angels, and figures of animals and people that reflect Quinua culture. As part of the team, each member takes care of a particular stage in the process towards a finished piece: clay is mixed, clay is shaped, clay is polished and finally, clay is painted. The most highly detailed ceramics are made by a team of the three of the most skilled potters, one of whom is Florencio, a master ceramist. The most representative pieces of the ceramics of Quinua are the churches, which protect houses. Also common are the bulls that are placed on the roofs to protect the houses from lightning and the watch over the cattle.
In addition to carrying on the ceramic tradition of the Quinua, Florencio has also served as president of the village. In this capacity, he has introduced electric power, potable water, organic agriculture and small animal breeding. He has since formed Kallpa, an association of artisan producers that includes low-income women and youth.